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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Support for Families

With lots of uncertainty at the moment we’re working hard to ensure we can support as many children, young people and families as possible.  Below we are sharing links to useful support services offering tips and advice.

 The Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund is used to support households most in need with:

  • Food
  • Gas and electricity (billed and pre-paid)
  • Water bills

This scheme will be in place until the end of August 2024, unless funding is exhausted before this date. 

Access this support through: leicester.gov.uk/householdsupportfund 

Residents who are digitally excluded can be supported by Citizens Advice who can be contacted on Citizens Advice 

Help and support for families


Name of Service


Phone Number


Health and wellbeing support for parents of pre-school children.

Health Visitors

Management of children's behaviour problems (for children under 5 years old).

Contact your local doctors surgery

or text: 07520 615381 (City)   07520 615382 (County)


Health and wellbeing support for parents of school-aged children.

School Nursing Service

Emotional and behavioural difficulties (including bedwetting) in school-aged children.

Contact via children’s school

or text : 07520615386 (City)  07520615387 (County)


Leicester City support directory

Leicester City Children’s Centres & Family Support Services

Advice, Information and Support to Parents/Carers regarding Behavioural and Emotional Difficulties at home.



Leicestershire support directory

Leicestershire County Council Family Information Directory

Links with all relevant agencies



Early intervention help within Leicester City

Leicester City Early Help (at Children Centres)


Tel: 0116 4541004


Early intervention help within Leicestershire

Leicestershire County Council

Children & Family Wellbeing Service

A range of services are available for all age groups.

Tel: 0116 3058727


Support and Advice to Parents with children with complex care needs

Parent Carer Forum


Tel: 07592869050 (County)


Young People and Families Mediation Service (ages 11-19)

Talk2Sort - The Bridge

Only available in the County (Not in Leicester City)



Counselling for Young People


On-line Counselling available free of charge to young people



Young Carers Support

Barnardos - Care Free - Young Carers Service

Support for Children and Young People caring for parents with a physical or mental health problem.

Tel: 0116 2867182



Youth Work

The YES Project

The YES Project team is a partnership of seven youth organisation and charities from across Leicester and Leicestershire.



Youth Work


Helps young people to re-engage in education or find work



Youth Work


(Twenty Twenty)

Working with 11-19 year old females to build confidence & make positive choices in their relationships, health & education



Youth Work

Young Leicestershire

The biggest provider of open-access clubs for young people in Leicester and Leicestershire with over 27,639 members now attending our network of affiliated groups.

Tel: 0116 2750489


Sexual abuse - post sexual abuse intervention for children.

Family Action

Based at Fosse Neighbourhood Centre, Mantle Road, Leicester, they offer post sexual abuse intervention for children, and also, input provided for carers of these children.

Tel: 0116 2168334


School attendance problems

Education Welfare Service

For help and support contact through the school.

Tel: 0116 2703176


Emotional/ Behaviour problems in school (Including School Anxiety)

Behaviour Support Team


Educational Psychology Service

For help and support contact through the school.

Tel: 0116 2703176


Bereavement issues

The Laura Centre

For help and support for any child affected by bereavement.

Tel: 0116 2544341


Protecting Children from becoming involved in anti-social behaviour

Leicestershire Police

Police advice to keep you safe and help you understand the law.



Youth Support Services

Early Help (Leicester City)

Targeted youth support - aims to respond better to young people's needs, particularly when extra support is needed.

Tel: 0116 4541694


Aims to prevent and reduce children and young people reoffending and promoting safer communities.

County Youth Offending (YOS)


The Leicestershire Youth Offending (YOS) is a multi-agency partnership which includes, the Local Authority Police, the Probation Service, the NHS and Youth Services, all of whom jointly resource a multi-disciplinary team.

Tel: 0116 3050030


Aims to prevent and reduce children and young people reoffending and promoting safer communities.

Leicester City Youth Offending (YOS)

Work with young people aged 10 to 17 years who are convicted of criminal offences.

Tel: 0116 4544600


Support to Families affected by ADHD

ADHD Solutions

Support groups and training

Tel: 0116 2610711


Victim Support

Victim First

Coping with the effects of crime

Tel: 0800 9539595


Combating Fire Setting - Preventative work with children involved in fire setting  

Fire Care

Leicestershire Fire Service

Early intervention for children setting fires.

Tel: 0116 2872241


If you care for a child with special educational needs, these can ensure you have the information you need.


SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service)

Tel: 0116 4820870


Drug and Alcohol Advice

Turning Point 

Support for Young People (18 years and younger)

Tel: 0330 3036000


Support for Parents/Carers 

The Centre for Fun and Families

Support though short courses/groups:

Tel: 0116 2234254


Information on Services, Activities and Support for Disabled Children

Local Offer


Read information and guidance that can support children and young people with SEND, aged 0 to 25, in Leicester.



Information on Services, Activities and Support for Disabled Children

Local Offer


Gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families information about help and services in Leicestershire.



Support for families with Children on the Autistic Spectrum

Leicestershire Autistic Society

Provides support, information and advice to families and professionals dealing with autism.

Tel: 0116 2916958


Advice and support for single parents.


The leading national charity working with single parent families. providing expert advice and practical support for single mums and dads.

Tel: 0800 8020925


Help and support for children and young people's mental health

Young Minds

National Service offering advice to parents on concerns relating to their children’s mental health.

Tel: 0800 0182138


Early intervention and crisis support to families who are struggling.

Family Lives

The issues we support families with include family breakdown, challenging relationships and behaviour, debt, and emotional and mental wellbeing.

Tel: 0808 8002222


Careers advice for young people.

Connexions (Leicester City)

If you are a young person who is not in education, employment or training, or you are in year 11, 12 or 13 and unsure what you will be doing from September, you can get support from Connexions.

Tel: 0116 4541770


Health information for children (11-18 years)

NHS - Health for Teens

Covers a range of issues including mental health

Love your body, love yourself, #lovehealth



Health information for children (5-11 years)

NHS - Health for Kids

Information to support you during a child’s primary school years. Easy to understand kids and parent sections.



Support for children on the phone or online.


Childline is a FREE, private and confidential service where young people can talk about anything.

Tel: 0800 1111


Free 24 hour service for anyone concerned about a child at risk of ill treatment or abuse.


The services help children who’ve been abused, protect children at risk and find the best ways to prevent child abuse from ever happening.

Tel: 0808 8005000


Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Leicester Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Centre

Advice, Support and a Youth Club facility.

Tel: 0116 2547412


In some situations where parents have concerns about children’s behaviour, the most useful first intervention is to ensure parent’s own needs are met. 

Below are some useful sources of support:

Domestic Violence Helpline for women and children 


Advice/ Support available to people affected by abusive or intimidating relationship.

Tel:  0808 2000247


Support and advice to anyone affected by an abusive relationship

UAVA - United against Violence & Abuse

UAVA provides support for anyone who has been affected by Domestic Abuse and / or Sexual Violence living in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland.

Tel: 0808 8020028


Alcohol abuse support

Free from Violence and Abuse

Work with perpetrators of abuse to help them address their behaviour. Also support to victims and training to professionals

Tel: 0808 8020028


Sexual abuse helpline


Working to end domestic abuse. Leading the development of safe, effective work with perpetrators, male victims and young people using violence and abuse

Tel: 0808 8024040


Young People's Drug & Alcohol service

Turning Point Leicester

Turning Point provides the integrated substance misuse service for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. Work with anyone who is affected by drugs or alcohol.

Tel: 0330 3036000





Leicester Counselling Centre

Offers individual counselling

(aged 16 years and above)

Tel: 0116 2558801


Support for families

Home-Start Horizons

Home-Start’s volunteers work alongside families to give compassionate and confidential support. Helping people to regain the confidence to be the parents they want to be.

Tel: 0116 2495062


Relationship Counselling (for couples and individuals)

Relate Leicestershire

High quality relationship counselling services to adults, children and families at their time of need.

Tel: 0116 2543011


Coping with cancer

Sue Young Cancer Support​

Empower people to help themselves, by actively promoting self-help, mutual support and equal access to all cancer and care services.

Tel: 0116 2230055


Psychological support and advice

Let's Talk Wellbeing

Quick access to Mental Health Support for adults. 16+ years

(Accessed via GP(doctor) or self-referral)

Tel: 0116 2927010


Free online counselling for adults


A safe and confidential space to share experiences and gain support from our community and qualified professionals.



Free online mental health support


Online mental wellbeing community



Rape Crisis Centre

Jasmine House

Jasmine House is Leicester's Rape Crisis Centre for support following sexual abuse or assault of any kind.

Tel:0116 2555962


Free Addiction  and Mental Health Support

Rehab 4 Addiction

Like all diseases, addiction must be tackled with scientific and therapeutic methods in Leicester that lead to long-term recovery.

Tel: 0800 140 4690

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