READY for the Future Day Year 8 Trips
As part of our 4 ‘READY for the future day’ 2021-22, Year 8 students all participated in trips to a wide range of venues to learn about different careers. Students visited Loughborough University to find out about careers linking to sport, they went to Conkers to learn about the environment and sciences, some students visited the Space Centre to learn about space science and astronomy, to Blueprint to learn about interior design and to Cadbury's World to learn about business and design technology. Our EE3 group went to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham to broaden their knowledge and understanding of sea creatures. All of our students engaged exceptionally well with these opportunities and their feedback was overwhelmingly positive, staff from both Lancaster and the venues said what fantastic ambassadors for Lancaster our students were. We look forward to our final ‘READY for the Future’ day of the year in June where our year 8 students will be accessing further careers opportunities in the ‘I want to be a …..’ day.
Written by Mr Boyd, Head of Year 9
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