READY for the Future Day Year 11 NCS Visit
Yesterday during our READY Day, Year 11 explored how to budget their money supported by the National Citizen Service (NCS).
This voluntary programme supports 15-17 year olds develop their personal and social skills. They played interactive finance games and had to work in groups to see how far their money would go on an annual income.
One year 11 said “The independent living activity was the most valuable because it gave me an insight in to how University life will be like”.
They also had the opportunity to develop their communication skills and ‘voting with their feet’ by debating various important topics that are in the media today. All the students were actively engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the tasks set out for them.
Our READY Day activities that were completed today will provide our students the skills and knowledge base needed for their future.
Written by Mrs Patel, Vice Principal
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