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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Parent & Carer Careers Zone

This section of the Careers Hub is aimed at helping parents and carers source information to help support young people in their future decisions.

Research suggests that students are 82% more likely to listen to parents/carers about careers advice and pathways - which is a lot of pressure, especially when all we want is for our young people to be happy in their choices.

Take a look at this website - Talking Futures

This is for help parents and carers to help their children in their decision-making process for next steps in college, qualifications, university or apprenticeships. This website gives you up to date information and guidance, from a trustworthy source. There are also suggested interactive activities that you can try, to help you with those career conversations.

Below you will find a number of helpful resources and information about mock interviews, education options, types of jobs and local opportunities. 

Choices Magazine March 2025

march 2025 choices magazine 1.pdf


Get Apprenticeship 'application ready' 


Green Careers Week 4th-11th November 2024

Please see below for the Parents guide to Green Careers.

With the world becoming more green and Eco-friendly, more and more opportunities in this field are available.


  • What are Green Careers?
  • Why 'green' matters to teens.
  • Routes to green careers.
  • Discussing next steps.
  • Examples of green careers.

green careers.pdf

80.75% of students say their parents help them to make key careers decisions

Careers Newsletter

lancaster academy edition 5.pdf

Calling all parents – feeling in the need of extra information about different ways your children can get into a wide range of industries? Click on the link below to get more information about free parent webinars.


Work Experience Parent's Checklist 2024

checklist for parents 2024.pdf

 Useful Resources

Talking Futures 

  • Free resources, activities and practical guidance to help you support your child’s careers and education choices.


What's next?

Parents/Carers – unsure of how to guide your child when they make decisions about their next steps post-secondary education? Click below to access quick summaries of route options. 

National Careers after GCSE


 Video - Why Choose College or University?

Our Year 10 students have the opportunity to visit Higher and Further education providers in Leicestershire. Watch the short clip below to find out more about why Higher Education and Further Education courses can be valuable for our youngsters.


Video - Mock Interviews

Please click on the picture below to see an informative video relating to why we have mock interviews for our Year 11 students.


Mock Interview


Education Options

There are a variety of educational routes available to students when they leave Lancaster Academy. Click each button below to find out more.

Apprenticeship InformationT LevelsLocal 6th FormsUniversityLocal Alternative Providers 

Further Education Colleges

LC_48mm_cmyk copy smb 800px-Loughborough_College_logo nwslc

Types of Jobs

Students who have a vision of where they want to be in the future may find it easier to plan their next steps more easily. To help students and parents to get an idea of what types of jobs are out there we would suggest looking at these websites:

ncs-gov-uk logo careerpilot


Videos - Local Opportunities

With developments in technology there are now numerous jobs that did not exist 10 years ago. It is important to keep up to date with what is happening locally, nationally and internationally.

In regards to local opportunities, the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) are leading the way in a number of exciting developments with a range of sectors including space, low carbon, and digital. Watch the videos below for more information.

Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership Videos

Short video guide to the labour market

What is the labour market screen grab

Low Carbon jobs and careers

Wow low carbon thumbnail

Space jobs and careers


Digital and Creative jobs and careers

creative industries video screen grab

LLEP jobs and career videos from lots of other local industries

World of work square


colour strip