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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Medical Information

Lancaster Academy are a proud 2020 nominee for the Diabetes UK Good Diabetes Care in School Award. The award celebrates and showcases schools that deliver good care and support to children and teenagers with Type 1 diabetes.

Regular school attendance is vital for every child and Lancaster Academy does all that it can to maintain high attendance figures. Most children will at some time have short term medical needs, perhaps entailing finishing a course of medicine such as antibiotics. Some children however, have long term medical needs and may require medicines on a long term basis to manage the condition, for example children with epilepsy, diabetes or ADHD. The following applies:

  • Medicines should only be taken to school where it would be detrimental to a student’s health if the medicine were not administered during the school day.
  • We can only accept medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or pharmacist prescriber.
  • Parents must complete a “Request for administration of medicines” form (available from the Medical Room or to download)
  • We will only allow / administer medicines where a “Request for administration of medicines” form has been completed.(available from the Medical Room or to download).
  • Medicines must always be provided in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist and include the manufacturers instructions for administration.
  • The academy is unable to allow / administer any medicines that contain Ibuprofen or Aspirin to anyone under the age of 16 unless it has been prescribed by a doctor.
  • Paracetamol will only be provided where written permission has been provided by a parent/carer.
  • Medicines will be stored in a locked cabinet during the day or in the fridge where necessary.
  • Students must come to the medical room for their medication.
  • Records will be maintained detailing when and how much medication was given and by whom.
  • Medication will be checked by two members of staff before being given.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to maintain an in-date supply of medication and inform the school of any changes, this includes Inhalers and Epi Pens.
  • Should you require further information, the schools procedures for medicines can be found under schools policies or if you wish to discuss your child’s medical needs please contact the Student Welfare Officer – Mrs. D Thirlby-Flynn.

Should you require further information, the schools procedures for medicines can be found under school policies or if you wish to discuss your child’s medical needs please contact the Student Welfare Officer – Mrs. D Thirlby-Flynn.


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